
ABPI School videos and resources for education

Promo video for the 2023 Association for Science Education Conference

The Association for Science Education were hosting their annual conference at Sheffield Hallam University earlier in the year and our friends over at ABPI Schools were in attendance. We were asked by our client to create a short promo video that depicts the educational offering that ABPI Schools provides on their site.

After a recent rebrand and a whole new set of educational tools at their disposal, the client was keen to really showcase what the site has to offer. Using their new brand look and feel, we created a 60 second video that uses a mixture of animation and video. We felt it was important to show the site being used in context, and so we decided to show actual classrooms and pupils interacting with the site.

Educational posters

As part of the resources they provide to schools, is a set of educational posters designed to demystify topics within science. Aimed at ages 11+, these posters tackle everything from biotechnologies to genetic engineering.



The posters are designed to be informative, engaging and to breakdown complex subjects into as easy to understand information as possible. They can be requested for free on their site.