
Catapulting innovation

The Catapults are a collection of seven centres across the UK, and were established by the Technology Strategy Board (who, incidentally, are also clients of ours). Their primary goals are to bring together a network of world-leading centres designed to pioneer innovation and development across seven different areas. Our work has brought us to the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), who’s key challenge is to increase mobility, which to put it more simply covers more efficient and cost effective ways to move people and goods around the country.


Thinking of transport as anything other than the 133 bus and the painful commute into work is very new to us, however since immersing ourselves in transport systems our eyes have been opened and the scope of areas it covers is incredibly broad.  From new ticketing solutions to seamless freight, transport systems covers much more than many would think, and with advances in technology happening so quickly now it really is an exciting world for us to be a part of.

We’re working with the people across the Transport Systems Catapult Innovation team on a wide range of exciting projects, from websites and interior graphics for their innovation centre in Milton Keynes, to ways to help people identity where in the ideas process they are and what support is available to them through TSC. However, heading up the teams and the work is David Reid, who has been a client of ours for many years now.

We worked with David during his time at EPSRC, where the largest project was the Impact Campaign which involved everything from the website to exhibition campaign. We also worked with David on Matter PR, from branding to website design and build it was a great project for showing how to make a tight budget work hard.

At the moment all of the projects are currently in development, so we’re having to keep them under our hat for now (although we can give you this tiny sneak peak!). As soon as we’re able to completely let the cat (-apult) out of the bag we will, and we’ll do it on our e-news first.