CITAC came to us having initiated their own re-brand and asked us to help update their brand and content online. Offering informational resources and training to companies and individuals working within the African downstream energy markets, their current website had been around for a while and was no longer fit for purpose. After initial reviews and discussions, it was agreed that it needed a new design and rebuild from the ground up.
We began by identifying CITAC’s main selling points, and planning a clear breakdown of services from the offset. These services include consulting, industry reporting and exclusive training events. Secondary to this was industry related news and topical insights. The challenge was to clearly direct their existing client base to the correct resources whilst giving the team at CITAC the flexibility of presenting new content with speed, clarity and focus to attract interest from new customers and stakeholders.
Taking CITAC’s new logo and colour palette into account and combining this with our ‘portal like’ approach to the content, helped us create a snappy, fresh, informative and responsive website. Clear signposting directs the reader to an extensive library of timestamped documents available to registered clients. Readers are also pointed towards a schedule of exclusive training events they can register for. Previews of topical industry insights provide a taster of CITACs extensive inside knowledge of the African downstream energy sector and the chance to purchase complete articles online. Key touch points across the website combine purchase buttons linked to the client’s WorldPay account, alongside calls to action to contact CITAC for a more bespoke set of services.