
More in Common

On Sunday 18 June, around 3000 people visited the intersection of Union Street and Redcross Way to be part of The Great Get Together Bankside, organised by BOST.

The day itself was a resounding success: with music, food and a festival atmosphere – one attendee even said that it was the best thing to come to the area for years! We were honoured to have been part of the day, producing the overall event branding and marketing materials, including posters, wayfinding signage and the website.

Recent events at London Bridge, across London and in Manchester made the street party and remembering Jo Cox even more poignant and important. As extremists try to drive us apart, we remember Jo’s message that we have “more in common than that which divides us”. The Great Get Together Bankside served as a reminder and evidence that this is true and the sense of community across the diversity of Britain is strong.

We’ve loved working with Tim, Joseph and Angie from BOST to produce the branding for the event, and are already looking forward to next years’ event.

We’ve featured some photos of the day in this article, but to see more please visit @BOSTSE1 on twitter and Instagram.