Order your tothepoint 2019 Calendar NOW!
In between our exciting projects, we’ve been having a bit of fun coming up with ideas for our 2019 calendar.
We’ll be keeping the clear typographic functional side but the reverse blank canvas is an opportunity to share some of our thinking, passion and skills in print and digital form. Above is a little digital teaser of the fun we’ve been having, produced by our very own designer and master animator, Joe Cook.
Engaging with the local community through art
With some of our more recent projects we are seeing the value that art can play as a means of engaging with the local community and lifting the spirits. Two very different projects we have just completed feature the work of Chilean street artist Otto Schade and local Hampstead resident Oliver Yu Chan.
The former has appeared
on a suite of materials we have produced for Croydon BID with the hero graphic featuring his wall mural “Her Hometown” which has been applied to the side of a large office block in the centre of Croydon. We felt the work encapsulated the colour and vibrancy of the local Croydon community.
The work of Otto Schade

By contrast the work of Oliver Yu Chan is expressionist in style and captures perfectly the personality of various landmarks around Hampstead. Oliver was diagnosed with autism as a child and his paintings provide insight into the local community whilst having huge benefits for him personally regarding his integration and interaction within society.
The paintings appear as a section of the hoardings we have recently designed and completed for UCL and the new Pears building under construction in Hampstead which will specialise in immunology. There was a desire by our client to feature a local artist and Oliver’s work complemented our colourful hoarding display and the playful nature of its approach.
You can see more of Olivers work at https://oliveryuchan.tumblr.com or visit his cafe Olivers Village Cafe https://www.oliversvillagecafe.com. Also watch this space to see the new UCL hoardings we have designed which will be installed early November in Hampstead.
The work of Oliver Yu Chan

A cycle across Andalusia
This month saw our MD Simon undertake his latest challenge… a cycle from Cadiz to Cartagena across the hills and mountains of Andalusia.
That’s over 500 miles and nearly 40,000 feet of climbing in seven days. It was a bit more challenging than he expected on a road bike. Some of the routes had been planned by google maps which took them on some ‘roads’ (tracks!) that would have been more suitable for a mountain bike. In fact, a motorcycle trial bike would have had difficulty on one – they walked up that! This wasn’t a fundraiser but to his delight, a colleague and past client donated a CAF voucher for £1,000 to add to the Team Hutton giving page.
New music & a new look for our account manager’s band, fika
With new music coming out on 9th November, our very own account manager, Sam, worked with designer Adam on a new logo for his band fika.
After listening to his music, Adam wanted to inject some more personality into the brand, which was previously very bold & angular; a style that didn’t quite reflect the chilled, down-tempo music that Sam writes and performs. This was achieved by making it lower case & introducing more sympathetic curves.