The World Risk Poll is a global survey gathering data and studying people’s perception of risk, compared with their relative experience. The initial Poll in 2019 showcased 10 themes of global worry, from safety at sea and safety of food and drink through to climate change and cyber risk. Conducted every 2 years, the new 2021 Poll is split into 4 reports, the first of which focusses on how people around the world interpret risk since the Covid pandemic.
Common themes re-appear through the findings of the Poll which outline that generally, Covid has had little influence on people’s perception of risk with issues like road crashes and violence and crime ranked highly in the risks people worry about
Later this year the 3 remaining reports will follow. The disaster resilience report explores how communities and infrastructure around the world are prepared to deal with disasters whether man-made or natural. This will be joined by a report on people’s experiences of violence and harassment at work, and finally, a report that delves into the use of personal data and concerns about ai.
Having created the first World Risk Poll website during Covid, we were tasked with revamping the website to accommodate the new Poll content and structure, archiving the previous poll pages but still keeping the content accessible for comparison and for new visitors. We worked with our client at the Foundation to restructure the content on the website ready to accommodate new Poll results, data, downloads stories, news and case studies.
We also designed a fresh set of icons to represent the four new polls, alongside a suite of new infographics.
These infographics were used to illustrate key statistical findings within themed stories from the first of the new reports. The general conclusion is that people around the world feel less safe than they did before the Covid pandemic, and there has been a rise in mental health issues.
Visualising these findings in our infographics and maps, alongside photography and quotes, helps present data from the poll in a digestible snapshot. More detail can be found by delving deep into the data through detailed documentation and risk indexes.
Overall, the World Risk Poll paints a picture of heightened risk and worry, post pandemic. We look forward to seeing the findings of the following 3 poll reports for 2021 and working with the Foundation to describe the true human impact of worry and harm within our diverse and varied global community.
Given how the World Risk Poll has grown from one report to four between the 2019 and 2021 editions, revamping and restructuring the site to accommodate this in a streamlined and user-friendly way was a significant challenge in a constrained and pressurised timeframe. To the Point worked closely with us to understand the content and create a site experience that does it justice, providing an engaging platform to showcase the findings that has received very positive feedback from both internal and external stakeholders. Ed Morrow, Senior Campaigns Manager, Lloyd’s Register Foundation